Fellowship, Worship, and Cooperation
Last evening, our joint Good Friday service was filled with wonderful genuine worship and fellowship. As First Baptist and Northside Nazarene joined our worship teams, pastor Lynn Nichols led the Lord’s Supper, and I was privileged to preach the message. On Saturday morning, I’m still full of joy as I reflect on the service and prepare for Easter Sunday morning. So much so that I look forward with excitement the prospect of a joint service later this year with the goal of reaching out to the community.
A Warm Welcome
As I arrived to preach, I was welcomed at the door of the Northside Church of the Nazarene by Pastor Rebecca Aleman and others. Pastor Rebecca was wonderfully warm and welcoming as she invited me into the foyer of their building. In fact, I’d say the Holy Spirit emanated from her countenance!
I am “complementarian” in my view on church leadership (though not as hardcore as some). The Northside Nazarene church is more “egalitarian.” Lynn and I had even touched on this over breakfast one morning. Does this issue preclude us from fellowshipping, worshipping, or evangelizing the community together? Absolutely not! It’s okay to hold differing views on some issues as we serve together in His kingdom. Believe it or not, not everyone at FBCW agrees on all points of doctrine – some of which are much more central to our faith.
I’m grateful that Pastor Lynn, Pastor Rebecca, Pastor Guy, the worship leader Colin, and others were so overwhelmingly gracious and generous to us cantankerous baptists as we worshipped our one true King together. (Pastor Lynn says we are not cantankerous, but “sweet and wonderful”). I only wish other baptists might be so gracious to one another.
The Truth and Love that Matters Most
We can all agree that without the forgiveness extended on the cross to all of us, we’d be dead and doomed in our sin. Without the hope that we celebrate tomorrow morning on Easter, we’d have no future. Thank you Lord for the hope and blessings we share! And thank you that You love us all, even when we act foolishly, failing to love one another as You love us.