Glorify God in Unity

Glorify God in Unity

When we work together in unity, we are all better for it and the Lord is glorified. In the past couple days, I’ve had the privilege to witness beautiful examples of God’s kingdom work. God’s love shines especially bright in contrast to the darkness of racial division that presently covers our nation.

Unity in Service – Back 2 School Rally 2017

  • >650 Backpacks distributed Saturday
  • Hundreds more going out the door this week
  • 1000 slices of pizza
  • 560 hot dogs
  • 180 free haircuts
  • Eye Exams, Hearing test, balloon animals
  • Hundreds of free Bibles distributed
  • Dozens of Gospel conversations and families lifted in prayer

This list could go on and on! Saturday evening the Baptists, Methodists, Holiness, and other churches in Watauga came together to serve the children of Watauga and the surrounding community. Over 250 volunteers from many different churches and organizations gathered to serve for a common purpose. People of all races gathered as we served the Lord and serve each other.

Honestly, I didn’t even think about the various races represented until this morning. Sure, there were many from El Buen Samaritano who were specifically helping communicate with the hundreds of Spanish speaking families who gathered. But, nobody’s skin color or country of origin made any difference! That’s the way it is when we put our focus on the Lord and serve His Kingdom together.

The common theme from Saturday evening were SMILES. I saw joy on the faces of the parking lot volunteers, the registration team, evangelism team, and puppet show team. The firemen, policemen, and police explorers all served diligently without complaint. Of course, there were the hundreds of smiles on the faces of the kids with new backpacks, popcorn, and pizza!

As I reflected on the Rally this morning in my personal prayer time, I was struck by the stark contrast between what I saw at the event and what I had seen on the news. Those focused on divided agendas in Virginia brought shame on themselves and on their causes. Those serving the Lord and the community in Watauga will likely never make the national news, but they brought honor to the Lord and to the groups they represent.

How Great Thou Art – Worship in Two Languages

As encouraged as I was after reflecting on Saturday evening, things got even better at noon on Sunday. My friend and fellow pastor had contacted me early in the week about using our baptistery to begin their worship time on Sunday. Often, we have our congregation finish up and move out so the congregation of El Buen Samaritano can use the auditorium for baptism. I felt the Lord prompt me to ask Br. Elias to allow us to finish our service with him baptizing so that we could celebrate together this week. I had no idea the events that would darken our national news this weekend.

Immediately after concluding our invitation, El Buen’s congregation began to enter the sanctuary. To my joy, the congregants of FBC Watauga began to clap and welcome our brothers and sisters as they joined us finding their seats. As Br. Elias baptized two new believers, the entire congregation celebrated with shouts of “amen” and “praise the Lord” with cheers and clapping.

To my surprise, Br. Mario who I had meet as he was sharing the Gospel at the Rally the evening before, stood with his guitar to lead us in worship. He chose “How Great Thou Art” so everyone could sing in their own language. What followed was a stirring time of heavenly worship with English and Spanish blended together as we sang in unison to the One True God! One of our congregants tweeted this sentiment after the service.

Assisted by a translator, I closed out with a short “Thank You” to El Buen for their wonderful service in the Back 2 School Rally. I gave a short reference to how beautiful it is when we come together under the banner of Christ to serve Him and our community. What a stark contrast to what we had seen and heard on the news! As we closed the service together in prayer, the Spirit of God was evident in the exuberant joy that filled the “amens” along with the smiles, hugs, and handshakes that followed.

Praise the Lord that in Him we find common ground!

  • Unite in Service
  • Unite in Love
  • Unite in God’s Word
  • Unite in His Redemption
  • Unite in Worship

Let the name of Jesus be praised and lifted up in our words and in our actions!

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