Tag: 1 Peter 1:1-5

Pastoral Principles from the Church’s 1st Pastor

Pastoral Principles from the Church’s 1st Pastor

Jesus fulfilled the promise of God from the Old Testament to provide a messianic shepherd to lead His people (Jer. 23:3-4; Ezek. 34:23-24). As the Good Shepherd, Jesus set out in His ministry to train shepherds for His church that arise following His ascension. He did this by example and through his teaching—even having the disciples practice under His direction (Matt. 10).

The New Testament uses the image of the shepherd to describe men called to lead the church.

Jesus Chose Peter

After His resurrection, He would need to leave someone in charge to serve as shepherd to the new church He was about to launch. Jesus chose Peter. The same brash Peter who said he’d never leave and then denied Him the morning of His resurrection. Peter who had seemingly chosen to go back to his old profession of fishing after things settled down in days following the resurrection.

In John 21, Jesus singled out Peter with an opportunity to affirm his love for Jesus three times–the same number of times he had previously denied him. Peter’s affirmation of love preceded a single command expressed three different ways: “feed my lambs,” “shepherd my sheep,” and “feed my sheep.” Jesus called Peter to leave behind his boats and nets to become a shepherd—a shepherd of Jesus’ flock. Jesus ended the discussion with a simple command, “Follow Me.”

Peter Led the Church

Peter obeyed. He followed Jesus away from the shores of Galilee into the role of a shepherd. His life changed forever as the church exploded onto the scene. Peter served in the key role as the lead pastor for the early church. He led the church in the selection of a new disciple (Acts 1:13-15). Peter stood and proclaimed the Gospel following the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2). He took the lead when serving with John as they faced imprisonment (Acts 3 and 4).

Peter was on the place of authority as the Holy Spirit poured out discipline on Ananias and Saphira (Acts 5). He represented all the apostles when he proclaimed, “We must obey God rather than people (Acts 5:29).” Peter led in receiving the Samaritans into the church (Acts 8:14). He dealt with Simon’s misunderstanding in Acts 8:20. The Lord used Peter to reach out to the Gentiles and encourage their acceptance into the church Acts 10 and 11. Even in Acts 15 when James is functioning as the lead pastor, Peter still had influence during the Jerusalem Council.

Peter Didn’t Disappoint

What Peter saw as he walked with Jesus, he modeled as he led the church. When he seemed bull-headed, he must have been listening and watching. When he failed miserably, broken and humbled by his own sin, Jesus restored Peter to a place of health and leadership. Given a second chance, Peter didn’t disappoint. He followed the example of the Good Shepherd as he obeyed. He led the early church through treacherous waters to see thousands saved and discipled.

The Privilege of Pastoral Ministry

Pastors are not expected to be perfect. They are expected to follow Jesus. Walk with Him and point your church to Him. Jesus has given all of us a second chance at life through His death and resurrection. Some of us have been called to follow Him as shepherds of His sheep. That is an incredible privilege and a great responsibility.

When Peter wrote his first epistle, he shared some of what he had learned with his fellow elders. We will look at those seven principles in part two of this blog.

Follow this link to watch Pastor Dennis’ study on this subject.