Tag: deacons

The First 20 Years

The First 20 Years

Twenty years ago today, February 15, 2005, I step through the doors at 6124 Plum Street as the new pastor of First Baptist Watauga. It was late on a Tuesday morning. I had preached my last sermon at May First Baptist on the 13th and it seemed appropriate to begin my official first day exactly half way through the month.

The First Day

My first duty was to meet with the Transition Team that had helped the church through a difficult interim period (if my memory is correct that was Jimmy, Richard, and Tim). I only remember a few highlights from that first day. After meeting with those key leaders, I enjoyed dinner with my good friend Deron Biles and his family that evening. I asked Deron during dinner if there was a key person that I might visit that night outside of the leaders I’d already met. He suggested I get to know Dennis Serratt. So, I ended that first day with a wonderful day developing a new friendship with a special person who has become a partner in most every aspect of ministry.

Since that day, the Lord has taken us on a wonderful, sometimes, winding journey. Susan has suggested that my first official day was the 20th since that’s when I preached my first sermon as the “preacher” of my new church. I believe however that my calling is to pastor the church – not just preach! That’s why I consider Tuesday the 15th as the start of this new journey.

Many great memories come from those early days. I immediately got to work alongside a wonderful young man named Eric Costanzo. Jaye Biles had launched a choir in the interim and the Lord led her to be our worship leader for the first several years of my pastorate here. Miss Elaine, Zack, Kevin, PM, and many others have brought joy in the early years of this journey.

One story helps sum up this wonderful church family

Because I began this new role in the middle of February, Susan and the girls remained in May during the week to finish out the school year. Susan was teaching special education while Kari, Kelsey, and Libbie all attended school. I would stay at Watauga during the week and they would join me on weekends. Our oldest daughter, Katie, had passed away on July 1st the previous year. Her passing coupled with the dramatic change including moving to the city, a new home, and changing churches put tremendous stress on our family. 

In early April, I remember speaking with Susan about a difficult situation one of our girls was facing. I returned home early in the week to help them. During that time, the deacons for FBC Watauga called a meeting. I remember getting a phone call from the Deacon Chairman after late that evening that initially worried me. If you’re a pastor, you can imagine getting that call immediately following a deacon’s meeting while you were out of town – a meeting you had just missed and in the first couple months of your ministry at the church.

Thankfully, it wasn’t “that kind of call.” In fact, it was quite the opposite. I was told by the chairman that the deacons wanted me to take as much time as necessary over the next two months to care for my family. “Your family is most important. You’ve already accomplished more here that we expected in a year. Take care of your wife and girls during the week. We’ll see you on the weekend. Once school is over, you’ll be here full time.” I began to weep on the phone and had a hard time stopping when I got off. They loved me and loved my family. I was overwhelmed with gratitude.

God’s Healing

I had been greatly blessed by my deacons, church family, and the community of May, TX. It was uncomfortable to leave that all behind when the Lord called us to Watauga. The love shown by the deacon body of Watauga FBC in those early days was a wonderful comfort and encouragement as we began this new journey still grieving and trying to heal from our deep loss.


Tomorrow I begin the 21st year as the pastor at First Baptist Watauga. I rejoice in the Lord’s healing and help. I rejoice that I have the privilege of serving Him and pointing every day to the Great Shepherd of my soul and head of this church. What a privilege it is to serve such a great Lord alongside such wonderful people.

Baptist Deacons

Baptist Deacons

Jimmy Youree and Dennis Serratt both faithfully serve the Lord in their role as deacons.
Two deacons cleaning up after they served a meal to our family following my mother-in-law’s memorial service.

 For those who have served well as deacons acquire a good standing for themselves and great boldness in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.”

– 1 Timothy 3:13 CSB

I have had the privilege to serve as the pastor of three Baptist churches – two churches as a full-time pastor for an extended period of time (13 ½ years and 12 + years). In both churches, I have been blessed by those men who serve our Lord in the New Testament role of deacon.

My First Deacon

The first church I “pastored” was a very small rural church in Locker, TX. It had a congregation of about 10 and was set on the edge of a cow pasture that once was a thriving town. They believed their mission was to keep the doors open so that young “preacher boys” would have place to “cut their teeth” in the ministry. It was the one ordained deacon that provided steady leadership for that church. I will forever be grateful for their love and support. It was while serving this church that our first daughter was born. They showed love and compassion that went way beyond their size.

Deacon Jokes

Growing up in the church, it seems that deacons were often the brunt of jokes from various corners. I have even been guilty of a few “deacon jokes” myself (not that they haven’t thrown out a few “pastor jokes” along the way). I have also known ministers who considered the deacon body to be their adversaries in the church. One pastor told me years ago that he started the church and he didn’t want deacons because they “would get in the way.”  I had been warned that the deacons would want to “run the church.”  I have never found this to be the case. In fact, my experience has been much the opposite.

Faithful Servants

In both FBC May and FBC Watauga, I have been overwhelmingly blessed by the deacon body. These guys have been my prayer warriors and support. It is usually among the deacons that I find my best friends in the church. It is usually the deacons who are my first line of help in the ministry. In May FBC, I was challenged to share the Gospel with boldness by the example of a Baptist deacon (thank you Troy). I was taught how to lead people by another (thank you Don).

In Watauga, it has been the deacon body that leads out in visiting prospects and sharing the gospel. They serve and encourage families that have been assigned them for ministry. They lead by example when they chauffer the elderly and visit the hospitals. In both churches, the deacons have been Godly men who loved the Lord, loved the church and worked hard to serve the church and their pastor.

Simply Human

Neither deacons nor ministers are perfect. We all sin and will all make mistakes. But I am confident that these “ordained men” of the church will continue to seek and serve our Lord alongside me. Every day for most of the past 28 years, my family has been blessed in some way by the ministry and service of Baptist deacons. Though we might not always agree, I am continually reminded that we are “on the same side.” We serve the same Lord and seek to see Him rule over the church. We are all servants in a spiritual body where there is only one head – Jesus the Lord.

Serving Together in Christ

Through every struggle, the deacons of the church have been like a “band of brothers” for me as we serve the Lord together. Though we are just men and we won’t always agree, with Jesus as our solid foundation, we will press on to accomplish His kingdom purposes. I recently wrote a tribute to one of these men on this blog site. Those reflections provide a wonderful reminder of the lasting bonds that are created as we serve the Lord together.

Most of this blog was originally posted as a note on Facebook in 2011. I have revised and updated it for this format.