Tag: God

Katie, Rosie, and God’s Love

Katie, Rosie, and God’s Love

Katie had been back on dialysis for months and her prognosis was not great when I got the call from my mom. She wanted to purchase Katie a puppy to be a companion during the difficult days ahead. I wasn’t sure that was a good idea and told her I’d talk to Susan about it. The next week mom showed up at our house with Rosie.

A Special Companion

61700795_10219276001594528_7682383512451678208_oKatie quickly fell in love with Rosie and they became best friends. During long hours on home dialysis, Rosie was always a faithful companion. She tolerated Mickey Mouse ears and doll dresses. She was a mixture of high energy when chasing a ball and calm comfort to her master. Rosie would sit with Katie, play with Katie, and sleep with Katie. She’s the first dog I ever let live in the house.

When Katie passed away, it took a while before Rosie stopped going into Katie’s room looking for her. Of course, Rosie was a part of our family and was loved by Katie’s sisters. She has also been a part of Katie that remained with us for another decade and a half. She survived a copperhead attack that left a scar on her nose, a bite from a huge rattlesnake, and a near drowning.

Rosie’s Last Days


In recent months, we’ve known that Rosie was nearing the end of her life. She had mostly good days. However, she was having more difficulty getting up and down. As she aged, she lost her hearing and was developing cataracts.

Just last week I talked to the vet about bringing Rosie in for a wellness check and possibility of putting her to rest. Susan and I are preparing to take a summer vacation and we didn’t want Kari and Libbie to have to deal with things if Rosie passed while we were gone. When I got home that evening, Rosie was running around the back yard like a young pup. We decided that it wasn’t time to make that trip to the vet.


Our Heartfelt Prayer

62238268_10219276001874535_3790148707022798848_oSusan and I simply prayed the Lord would take care of us as He has so many other times in our lives. We prayed that when it was time, she would pass easily. We prayed that we wouldn’t have to make the decision to put her down. We also prayed that the girls wouldn’t be left to deal with Rosie’s passing when we were gone.

The Lord answered all of our prayers the beginning of the next week. On Monday, I left Rosie outside with Koda and Bo on a beautiful sunny day. She always seemed to do best on the warm sunny days outdoors. At lunch she was busy barking at the neighbor’s dogs! When I came home from the office in the evening, she had passed away and it was clear she had only been gone for a short time. Susan and I loaded her little body in the truck and headed to May to put her to rest.

Another Chapter Closes

61996593_10219273370568754_5467972694748168192_nWhen Katie passed almost 15 years ago, we had Katie’s two favorite images etched on her stone – a panda bear and Rosie. We arrived right at sunset. The Lord had softened the ground by weeks of spring rains. It only took a few minutes and Rosie was laid to rest under her image near Katie’s body. As the sun set on June 3rd, another chapter in our lives was closed.

God’s Grace is Abundant

61940602_10219273370488752_9045583549264035840_nThroughout this chapter, we found more gentle reminders that the Lord is with us. The book is not finished on Katie’s impact on this world. The Lord is still using her life and memory to teach us and touch others. I am grateful for the Lord’s gentle reminders in large and small ways that He is with us and He loves us. His grace is enough. His timing is perfect. When the sun sets on my life, I’m confident He will be there still guiding and providing.

The God of Creation is the God of Our Circumstances

The God of Creation is the God of Our Circumstances

Katie was just over 6 months old when she faced one of the most difficult times of her life. She was having kidney failure and was brought into Dallas Children’s Medical Center for a catheter placement so we could begin peritoneal dialysis. She was very tiny so as the catheter was place in her abdomen it nicked her bowl and she became septic. She quickly became very ill. The medical team recommended that we seriously consider letting her go, because of the many severe medical problems she faced. We were forced to make a difficult decision to discontinue treatment or to take drastic measures to save her life.

Sensing the Lord leading, we felt it wasn’t time to let her go just yet. The doctors intubated her and she was place in the Pediatric ICU. She recovered miraculously and only spent a couple days in ICU. However, the positive news only lasted a few days. She was in a hospital room having regular treatments on her lungs waiting for them to become strong enough for another surgery.

I still remember that afternoon as though it was only a few years ago. The respiratory therapist had just left the room after giving her a CPT treatment and suctioning her lungs. Hearing Katie give a faint cry, I went to her bedside to see her turning blue with her eyes rolling. We yelled down the hall for the nurses and things began to happen very quickly. Our baby was again facing death.

We were ushered out of the room as emergency teams rushed to re-intubate her trying to save her life. As Susan and I sought to comfort one another, I went to the phone to contact my friend Dr. Frankie Rainey who I relied on as my pastor. Dr. Rainey was already out of his office, but Dr. Art Allen took my call. After listening to my story, Dr. Allen promised to relay our prayer request to Dr. Rainey and take it before his church that evening.

Then Dr. Allen asked me a question that has stuck with me for more than 27 years. He simply asked, “How are y’all doing?” I immediately began to reiterate Katie’s dire circumstances, but Dr. Allen stopped me. He said, “You’ve told me about Katie. How are you and Susan?” I paused for a moment, because my focus had been entirely on Katie. As I took inventory of my own condition, I felt a peace come over me. I replied, “Dr. Allen, we are okay. The same God who was in charge last week when we Katie was miraculously healed is in charge today. He’ll take care of us. We are okay. Thanks for asking.”

I learned many valuable lessons the two long months Katie was in the hospital that stay. But none of those lessons had a greater impact than the one I learned that day. The God of creation is the God of our circumstances. He never changes. He is faithful, trustworthy, and true. The God who created the sea is still God when the storms rage and the seas of life get rough.

As they were sailing He fell asleep. Then a fierce windstorm came down on the lake; they were being swamped and were in danger. They came and woke Him up, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to die!” Then He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waves. So they ceased, and there was a calm. He said to them, “Where is your faith?” 

They were fearful and amazed, asking one another, “Who can this be? He commands even the winds and the waves, and they obey Him!” 

-Luke 8:23-25 CSB